Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Update!!

I just realized I haven't update my blog for soooooo long..... I hope I won't disappointed my Fans!! I guess you guys can see all my updates on facebook!! =)

So, after all these busy wedding months, I can tell you I definitely loved to be a wedding decorator, I feel so happy to work with my brides and grooms toward their wedding. I am so happy to see them happy and try to surprise them in their wedding is our mandate!! I feel so good everytime when I see their happy and surprise face as I know this is the biggest day to their life and as a wedding decorator, I am trying my best to make a memoriable night and hopefully all their guests remember a beautiful wedding night!!

Please enjoy our 2011 wedding portfolios, if you want consultant for your coming wedding, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us at anytime.


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