Monday, November 7, 2011

May Fair Golf Club

Banquet Location: May Fair Golf Club
Color Combo: Green, Cream, Purple

This is one of my best friend wedding, since my friend and her fiance love Beer, they have come up with Beer Garden Theme so we have brought Beer logos and Beer bottle into their wedding and made it so unique to them.

Hycroft Manor Women Club

Ceremony Location: Hycroft Manor Women Club @ Vancouver
Color Combo: Off-White, Purple

Shiang Garden 2011

Banquet Location: Shiang Garden @ Richmond
Color Theme: The Lovely Ferris Wheel

We've spent almost 6 months to make all the paper roses for this wedding. It was one of our best wedding in 2011, we've also worked with the bride and groom to come up this wedding theme. Ferris Wheel representing a Happy Fortune to the bride and groom and that's why we have used Ferris Wheel as their wedding theme.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Update!!

I just realized I haven't update my blog for soooooo long..... I hope I won't disappointed my Fans!! I guess you guys can see all my updates on facebook!! =)

So, after all these busy wedding months, I can tell you I definitely loved to be a wedding decorator, I feel so happy to work with my brides and grooms toward their wedding. I am so happy to see them happy and try to surprise them in their wedding is our mandate!! I feel so good everytime when I see their happy and surprise face as I know this is the biggest day to their life and as a wedding decorator, I am trying my best to make a memoriable night and hopefully all their guests remember a beautiful wedding night!!

Please enjoy our 2011 wedding portfolios, if you want consultant for your coming wedding, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us at anytime.
